Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Pretty Pretty Yarn

So here are some more pictures of pretty yarn from the shop. How could you not enjoy checking all this out. The colors are bright and fresh. The one thing I have to do before buying any yarn it touch it and feel it -- is it soft? is it thick? is it thin? will it work with what I have in mind? Usually I do know what I want to make with a yarn before I buy it -- but not always.

When my husband and I were in NYC I just bought yarn there -- with no clue what it would become. It is sorta like buying a little knickknack to remind you of someplace you visited.

Now I just need to go work on my knitting!
Enjoy the view here on the blog!


shrink on the couch said...

Mustn't women touch EVERYTHING before they buy it? Or sniff everything? Or is that only me? My favorite part of shopping -- all the pretty smells.

I like the idea of yarn-souvenir. You can wear it and remember the vacation : )

Jeannie said...

OH I a am a toucher!
That I know. And I wear my NYC/olympic knitting (i knitted it during the 2006 winter olympics) scarf proudly!