Friday, August 1, 2008

I am Knitting -- I Promise

I am finishing the sea green scarf ( I told my son it seems like
this last ball is never ending).
But I am seeing the end of the tunnel.
Today is a rare day. The 3 kids are all here & no one has plans.
With back to school coming in just a week and a half I decided
we were taking a field trip today.
We are headed to the Art Museum. I am blessed with kids who
love all museums. My oldest still remembers the day camps
they all did there one week about 4 years ago.
So we will take a picnic and tour the museum and snack on the grounds.
Since I feel boring if I don't include pictures here is one from about 3 weeks ago.
My youngest, my sister, myself, and my mom.

We were out celebrating my nephews 20th birthday.

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