Saturday, May 24, 2008

Yeah for Indy

Indiana Jones that is.
I have always been a huge Indiana Jones fan. Maybe because these are movies from my youth. I also think these are the movies that started me down the path of being an action adventure movie lover.
The whole clan went to the theater last night to see "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull". It was very good. We rarely see a movie all 5 of us together - due to varying tastes in movies so I was happy to be surrounded by my family for a few hours enjoying Indy and all his antics. I only had to turn my head twice.
Can't ya just hear the music?


Anonymous said...

I love knitting! The only thing I have a problem with is fuzzies which cling to my garments. The best thing to use is a fabric shaver. The best one I know of is on the link.

Anonymous said...

hooray for family movies...e