Here it is. This is made after a character from the tv show Firefly. One of the characters - Jayne Cobb - a tough guy on the show, got a hat like this sent to him from his mom. My daughter -- shown here -- loves that show and so I made her a hat. You should check out the show - it only lasted one season and is on DVD -- there is a movie too that ties up all the loose ends - Serenity. We love it and she likes her hat -- thank goodness for the internet - type in Jayne hat and you too will get about 1,000 hits, many with patterns.
It was an early christmas gift. So it doesn't count on my resolution list.
Or as I like to say - see not all knitting is pretty! But she loves it and wears it all the time.
it doesn't have to be pretty, for sure!! but cute counts.....
I remember when you showed us this hat....you even have a couple more pics of Brooke in it...and yes, very cute. Remember, pretty is in the eye of the beholder...well, you know what I mean! LOL
beautiful model !
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